Live, Love, and Lent

I always look forward to Lent. I think it’s because I like self-reflection — as uncomfortable as it can be.  Or maybe it’s because I’ve identified with Lewis Carroll’s quote for the longest time:  “I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” I like to be able to see growth, and I have plenty of it left to do- and for me, Lent is a time where I am particularly mindful of my need to do so..

I, like many, didn’t grow up observing Ash Wednesday and Lent (here’s my post from last year, Ashy Memories, with more on that and more behind its meaning) but I am continually amazed at the power of this season.

This year I’ve decided I am going to journal during Lent.  I’ve NEVER journaled for nearly as long as a month, so it will take some discipline.  I may share some of those thoughts here from time to time.  Here are a few free resources that may be of interest during this time, as well.

Prayer of Confession

Our temptations, O Lord,
are the very tests that came to you—
to be relevant; to be powerful; to be spectacular.
We may not be asked to turn stones into bread
or to be in control of vast kingdoms
or to throw ourselves down from a tall spire,
and yet, your temptations are the very ones that we face.
Where we have listened to other voices,
forgive us.
Where we have sought the applause of others,
forgive us.
Where we have worshiped other gods,
forgive us.
Give us purity of heart and clarity of vision.
Help us hear your voice to seek your kingdom and its righteousness,
to worship you alone.
In the name of the One who was tested in every respect as we are, and yet knew no sin,
even Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


Words of Assurance

We thank you, O God, for the good news
that we may approach the throne of grace with boldness
so that we may receive mercy and find grace
to help in time of need. Amen.

Kenneth H. Carter (2010-04-01). Just in Time! Prayers and Liturgies of Confession and Assurance (Just in Time! (Abingdon Press)) (pp. 82-83). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.